- Website owner: GAZ Movement SL.
- Registered Office: Calle Orense 68, planta 9. 28020 Madrid.
- CIF: B87452611.
- Public Register: Registro Mercantil de Madrid. Tomo: 34180, Libro: 0, Folio: 162, Sección: 8, Hoja: M614856. Inscripción: 1. Fecha: 19/01/2016. Año Pre: 2016
- Telephone: +34 912 918 315.
- E-mail:
In accordance with Constitutional Law 15/1999, of 13th December, on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter, “LOPD”), by accepting this Privacy Policy the user gives his/her free, informed and explicit consent for the processing of his/her personal data provided through the mere access, web browsing and/or use of the website (hereinafter, the “Website”), as well as for the inclusion of said personal data in a file controlled by Gaz Virtual Reality, duly registered with the Spanish Personal Data Protection Commissioner, safeguarded by the technical and organizational measures established in Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21st December, on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter, “RLOPD”).
All personal data requested are necessary in order to use the services offered through the Website. In case that the user does not provide the requested personal data, its registration will not be completed. Nonetheless, the user may freely view the content of the Website in any event.
In addition, in those cases in which personal data are collected through the “Contact” form, or any other form in the Website, it will be necessary for the user to at least fill in those fields marked with an asterisk. If the user does not provide information considered to be necessary, Gaz Virtual Reality may not render the services offered through the Website and/or reply to the queries raised.
Personal data collected through the Website will be processed and used only for the following purposes:
1) Providing information requested by users.
2) Managing recruitment processes, in connection with the data provided to us through the “Employment” section.
3) Making anonymous statistical reports regarding user activity on the Website.
4) Fulfilling legally established obligations.
In any event, Gaz Virtual Reality will not carry out, without the prior consent of users, any of the following actions in connection with personal data provided by users of the Website:
• Transferring personal data to other persons or entities.
• Transferring personal data to third countries that do not offer an adequate level of personal data protection.
The user guarantees that he/she is of legal age and that the personal data provided are correct, complete and up to date, being liable for any harm or prejudice, direct or indirect that may arise as a consequence of non-compliance with such obligation. If the data provided belong to a third party, the user guarantees that he/she has informed said third party of the terms of this document, and has obtained his/her authorization in order to provide his/her data to Gaz Virtual Reality for the aforementioned purposes.
In accordance with the LOPD, personal data provided through this section of the Website will be included in a file controlled by Gaz Virtual Reality, for the purpose of managing the different recruitment processes that Gaz Virtual Reality may carry out.
We inform you that your resume will be stored for one (1) year so that you may be considered for any vacancies that may arise. After that time, we understand that your data may no longer be up to date, so we will proceed to cancel it. However, if after this period you wish to continue participating in our recruitment processes, please send us your resume again.
One of the purposes for which we process personal data provided by users is to send electronic communications with information regarding offers, promotions and/or news relevant to them.
Commercial communications will be strictly and exclusively sent to those users that have previously and expressly authorized the receipt of said communications, either at the time of registration on the Website or afterwards.
In accordance with Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, if a user wishes to stop receiving commercial communications from Gaz Virtual Reality, he/she may request to unsubscribe from this service by sending an e-mail to the following address:
In accordance with the LOPD, users may exercise their access, rectification, cancellation and objection rights by requesting it in writing, through any of the following means, attaching a document that allows to identify them and specifying in their communication the right/s they wish to exercise.
• Mail: Calle Orense 68, planta 9. 28020 Madrid
• E-mail:
Last update: 21th March 2018
© 2018 GAZ Movement SL. All rights reserved.